Star Wars: The Force Awakens Good vs. Evil Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens.

Quote #4

GENERAL HUX: The weapon. It is ready. I believe the time has come to use it. We shall destroy the government that supports the Resistance, the Republic. Without their friends to protect them, the Resistance will be vulnerable, and we will stop them before they reach Skywalker.

This is an interesting way of pointing out how evil uses bureaucracy to disguise the consequences of its actions. Hux is talking about instantly wiping out an entire planet with billions of people on it. Billions.

Yet, it's all about larger ends, ultimate goals, and destroying a "government" (not countless sentient lives). That's the job of characters like Hux in the Star Wars saga: to represent the kind of evil that doesn't wear a black cape.

Quote #5

KYLO REN: By the grace of your training, I will not be seduced.

SNOKE: We shall see. We shall see.

Back to Ren here, and the fact that he doesn't seem to have the courage of his convictions. The light side tugs at him the way the dark side tugged at Luke, making his the flip side of the struggle we saw in Episodes IV-VI.

Quote #6

KYLO REN: I feel it again. The pull to the light. Supreme Leader senses it. Show me again the power of the darkness, and I will let nothing stand in our way.

We have to wonder: who is he talking to here? Ostensibly, it's to Darth Vader's charred skull (pause to let skin stop crawling), and the presumption is that Vader's spirit speaks to him the way Obi-Wan's spirit spoke to Luke.

But Vader was redeemed at the end of Jedi, and even shows up as a happy light side spirit next to Obi-Wan and Yoda. So whom, exactly, is Ren communing with, and why is that person/ghost/creepy old dude speaking through Vader?