Stitches: A Memoir Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1


Small begins his memoir with a very cinematic zoom-in. We go from the Detroit skyline, to his block, to the trees, to the streetlights, and finally, to a row of almost-identical houses. Before he takes us inside his home, he shows us the stifling suburban sameness of all the homes around it.

Quote #2

Because the Murphys would not allow her to have her baby in their house, Mama was born in that cabin. (1.308)

Because David's grandmother got pregnant without being married—or, as she would say, "preggnid outta wedlaw"—her in-laws exiled her and their son to the cabin behind their house She could see their home every day, she just couldn't live in it.

Quote #3

That fall I was sent away to an all-boys school in the East. There they put a strong emphasis on sports, Bible studies and manual labor. I ran away three times. (3.264-265)

Instead of examining what's going on in their home that makes David rebel, his parents just find him a new, equally awful home.