Stitches: A Memoir Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

To me, Dad and his colleagues seemed like the heroic men featured in the ads in LIFE Magazine, marching bravely into the bright and shining future. (1.61)

In the 1950s, X-rays were a big deal, and being a radiologist was almost as exotic as being an astronaut.

Quote #2

Her silent fury was like a black tidal wave. Either you get out of the way or…(1.233)

A tidal wave in panel 233 washes over David and his brother Ted, and in the next panel they're being sucked into twin whirlpools. They have to be careful not to drown in their mother's anger.

Quote #3

"Scream and cry all you want, little baby. Mama's not here. She went to play golf. I'm in charge for the next three hours." (1.241)

Ted's reaction to being in charge is to dress up like a cowboy and walk up behind David with a toy gun—it's the Wild West version of babysitting.