Stitches: A Memoir Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The apartment was too cold for canaries, and I wasn't faring much better. I was lonely, often hungry, and afraid of the neighbors. Plus, my attempts at becoming a world-renowned artist were not going too well. (4.150)

Better than being lonely, often hungry, and afraid of your parents. Poor canary, though.

Quote #5

Stan and Letitia lived in the upstairs bathroom. Once they had lived in a regular room but they were broke now and forced to downgrade. They insisted it was a fine place to live… (4.158)

The panel in which Stan sits on the edge of the tub playing his guitar while Letitia sits on the cold tile floor is heartbreaking, but it shows that the people you love are your real home.

Quote #6

Bill and Gina lived in the tower room where the floor had collapsed. They lived around the edge of the crater and pitched their trash down the hole. (4.159)

Small draws this room as a massive crater with only a small amount of space around it, and the tenants' bed right on the edge, about to fall in. This is an example of artistic license—even if the crater wasn't actually that big, we get a sense of the desperation and danger the tenants, including the narrator, lived with.