In the world of international espionage, deceit is the name of the game, and in Stormbreaker, fourteen-year-old Alex Rider learns this lesson firsthand after the death of his uncle—a spy himself. This event opens Alex's eyes to the countless lies he's been fed over his life, all in the name of protection. But this is also just the beginning—Alex still has to deal with shifty bad guys, countless double-crosses, and a boss who refuses to tell him what's really going on. Just another day in the office for the coolest spy this side of James Bond
Questions About Lies and Deceit
- In what ways does MI6 deceive Alex? Which way do you think is the worst? Why? Are any totally acceptable? Why or why not?
- Is it moral for Ian to lie to Alex about his job? Why or why not?
- How does Herod Sayle convince the world that he was a good guy? Does Alex completely convince the world otherwise?
- Is Alex good at the deception part of being a spy? Explain your answer.