How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph
Quote #1
Alex already knew. He knew from the way the police stood there, awkward and unhappy. But he also knew from the tones of their voices. Funeral voices… (1.9)
It seems like Alex knows what happened before they even tell him. Of course, Alex has already experienced death before, having lost his parents just weeks after his birth
Quote #2
He had never known his own parents. They had both died in another accident, this one a plane crash, a few weeks after he had been born. (1.13)
Alex's life has been defined by death. We don't want to sound like conspiracy theorists, but there's no way this is a coincidence.
Quote #3
It was almost impossible to imagine that he would never again see the man, hear his laughter, or twist his arm to get help with his science homework. (1.13)
We tend to focus on the little things after the death of a loved one—those are the things we took for granted when they were alive and didn't appreciate at the time.