Find quotes from this novel, with commentary from Shmoop. Pick a theme below to begin.
Mortality Quotes
Alex already knew. He knew from the way the police stood there, awkward and unhappy. But he also knew from the tones of their voices. Funeral voices… (1.9)
Coming of Age Quotes
Alex thought of the man who had been his only relation for as long as he could remember. He had never known his own parents. (1.13)
Lies and Deceit Quotes
What saddened him the most was the realization—too late now—that despite everything, he had hardly known his uncle at all. (1.14)
Fear Quotes
He could feel the weight of the two walls pressing down on him. The car was no longer a car but the fist of some hideous monster snatching at the insect that Alex had become. (2.40)
Technology and Modernization Quotes
In less than the time it took Alex to blink, the machine had passed its information down to a computer that had […] sent its own signal back to the circuits that controlled the elevator. (3.25)
Perseverance Quotes
He was close to exhaustion, he knew, almost too tired to know how much pain he was in. […] Swallowing down the taste of defeat, Alex folded the map and forced himself on. (5.3)
Violence Quotes
He had started learning karate when he was six years old. One afternoon, with no explanation, Ian Rider had taken him to a local club for his first lesson. (2.45)
Power Quotes
Ian Rider had never been one to give lectures. He had always said Alex should make up his own mind about things. (2.5)