Character Clues

Character Clues

Character Analysis

Sex and Love

Deanna's life is defined by one sexual experience she had when she was thirteen, and she hasn't been able to live it down for three years. She's been called a "slut" and a "skank" so many times she's starting to see herself that way, even though she hasn't had sex at all since her dad caught her with Tommy.

The characters in Story of a Girl are largely defined by their attitudes toward and experiences of sex. Tommy's the guy who brags about his conquests because he wants to be a stud, hence: jerk. Lee's thoughtfully considering losing her virginity to the guy she loves, thus: good girl. Jason's the aforementioned guy who's waiting patiently for Lee to make up her mind, thus: perfect boyfriend. Stacy's the tough girl who got knocked up, thus: teen mom. It may not be fair, but it's true to the way high school actually works.

Family Life

You can tell what kind of people the Lamberts are by how each reacts to the other members of the family. Darren's the disappointing slacker kid who got his girlfriend pregnant and moved her into the basement, where they're both still hanging around. Deanna's even more disappointing to her parents; after all, she is the school "slut" (even if she's really not.) Dad's a ball of rage who can't forgive, and Mom's the enabler who offers everyone food instead of emotional support.

This is a family who knows one another not by what they've achieved, but what they've failed to achieve, and each character has, in some way, failed spectacularly. Needless to say, good times abound.