Sula Pride Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Year.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Pride goeth before a fall. (1937.44)

As Eva argues with Sula, she invokes the idea of pride as it appears in the Bible, as a sin. She warns Sula that pride will lead to her eventual downfall.

Quote #5

It was the first time I see her look anything but hateful. Like she smellin' you with her eyes and don't like your soap. (1939.31)

The residents of the Bottom perceive Sula's isolation as a sign of pride. She's too proud to crack a smile or look at them with any sign of friendliness, and they take this willfulness as the type of pride that Eva warns about.

Quote #6

"Proud?" Sula's laughter broke through the phlegm. "What you talking about? I like my own dirt, Nellie. I'm not proud." (1940.28)

Everyone around her thinks Sula is a proud woman, but she doesn't see herself this way. She prefers to stay home, and she doesn't want to be bothered with people coming to help her. Sula simply sees this as living her life on her own terms.