Sula Pride Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Year.Paragraph)

Quote #7

You laying there in that bed without a dime or a friend to your name having done all the dirt you did in this town and you still expect folks to love you? (1940.76)

We see that Nel has come to regard Sula just as the rest of the Bottom does. She is shocked at the audacity of Sula's pride.

Quote #8

I didn't mean anything. I never meant anything. I stood there watching her burn and was thrilled. (1940.89)

When Eva accuses Sula of being proud and comments on how she just stood and watched Hannah die, we don't really get to hear Sula's side of the story. But we do here. It's not pride that makes Sula respond to Eva's accusation the way she does; it's the fact that she knows Hannah never really cared about her. That is what makes her so angry and why she proudly declares that her fires will be her own.

Quote #9

Her once beautiful leg had no stocking and the foot was in a slipper." (1965.14)

The one outward marker of Eva's pride was her beautiful leg, but she no longer cares enough to bother with it. In a sad way, Eva's lack of pride shows that the woman who was once so tough has just given up.