Sunset Limited Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: In consultation with my editor, we decided (against standard practice) to go with page numbers—since The Sunset Limited is one long act and it would be unwieldy and impractical to number all the lines.

Quote #1

BLACK: You live in a apartment?


BLACK: What. They don't let black folks in there?

WHITE: No. I mean of course they do. Look. No more jokes. I've got to go. I'm very tired. (9)

Black likes to use racial humor to lighten the mood. This is just one example, and here, he's likely trying to get White to relax a little.

Quote #2

BLACK: Numbers is the black man's friend. Butter and eggs. Crap table. You quick with numbers you can put the mojo on you brother. Confiscate the contents of his pocketbook. You get a lot of time to practice that s*** in the jailhouse. (17)

Black explains that his swift facility with numbers is the result of his experiences as an African-American from a downtrodden part of the country. Coming out of poor circumstances, he had to think fast if he wanted to survive.

Quote #3

BLACK: So what are we sayin here? You lookin at some big black angel got sent down here to grab your honky ass out of the air at the last possible minute and save you from destruction? (23)

Black mocks the idea that he might be part of some kind of supernatural intervention. By the time the play is finished, Black definitely seems like an actual human and not an angel. However, the idea that he was meant to save White never really disappears: Black believes God intended it to happen.