Sunset Limited Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: In consultation with my editor, we decided (against standard practice) to go with page numbers—since The Sunset Limited is one long act and it would be unwieldy and impractical to number all the lines.

Quote #7

WHITE: What's the dozens?

BLACK: It's when two of the brothers stands around insultin one another and the first one gets pissed off loses…

WHITE: I dont get it.

BLACK: You aint supposed to get it. You white. (72-73)

The dozens actually gave birth to freestyle battle rap. So if you're a hip-hop fan, you need to respect it.

Quote #8

BLACK: You know where I learned to fix this? […] Right here in the ghettoes of New York City. They's a lot of influences in a dish like this. You got many parts of the world in that pot yonder. Different countries. Different people.

WHITE: Any white people?

BLACK: Not if you can help it.

WHITE: Really?

BLACK: Messin with you, Professor. Messin with you. (100)

This is just another example of Black's racial humor. In reality, he doesn't believe there's such a thing as white or black people—he's all about that "forever thing," which exists inside everyone.