Surrender Chapter 21 Summary


  • At first Gabriel thought it would be impossible to will himself to die, but then his body got the memo.
  • Finnigan's surprised. He asks why Gabriel would do this to him, after he'd been such a great friend all these years.
  • Gabriel explains that the day at Evangeline's place, he remembers being scared of who was coming through the door and actually relieved when he saw his mom's face.
  • Why? He thought it was Finnigan. This made him realize that he was more afraid of Finnigan than his own mom—and that was a problem.
  • Gabriel decided that he has to get rid of Finnigan, and now he figures that this is the only way to get rid of Finnigan for good.
  • Finnigan's shocked. How could you do this to me? If you die, I die?
  • Gabriel knows this, and that's the point: He can't stand to have Finnigan around anymore.
  • Finnigan says everyone is laughing at Gabriel—even Evangeline's friends. Of course, Evangeline is probably laughing too, but we wouldn't know.
  • You see, after Gabriel showed up at her house and went ballistic on her, she asked her parents if she could move away.
  • Gabriel realizes he's been waiting for Evangeline this whole time for nothing—she's been gone since way back when.
  • With his knowledge, Gabriel finally has no reason to stick around, so he gets courage and surrenders.
  • He remembers his last day with Surrender. His dad told him to go get the neighbor's gun and he did; worst of all, his dad made him shoot his dog.
  • Gabriel tells himself that it's okay because Surrender is safely with Finnigan. Actually, he's talking about Surrender's spirit here, not the actual dog.
  • He reminds himself that he can obey his dad and shoot the dog without killing him, so he does. His dad is pleased and reminds him that part of growing up is taking responsibility even when it's tough.
  • Afterward, he's in some kind of happy place, although the specifics aren't given to us. He's dreaming of what he might see in heaven or the afterlife. He sees Vernon there, and he hears the television in the distance.
  • Gabriel also sees his beloved Surrender there and is happy.
  • Then he sees his mom. She asks him if "it" is done (we imagine she's talking about killing Finnigan, i.e. dying, although she doesn't say for sure).
  • He explains to her that it couldn't be helped.
  • Back in reality, Sarah comes in and strokes his arm. She'll bring him some soup if he promises to eat it.
  • She asks him why he always calls her Sarah, even though that's not her name. He knows, but then again, Gabriel isn't his name either.
  • He asks her to unbuckle the straps on his bed, and she says she's not supposed to.
  • Gabriel sees his brother again, and this time, he's being summoned to go toward his bro (to die).
  • He clings to life for a few more moments before letting go.
  • Then he takes Vernon's hand, lets go of the world, and he is lifted to the sky.