Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You don't hate him," my mother said. "You just think you do."

"Don't tell me," I said. "I mean it. I really can't stand that kid." (7.67-68)

Mom's right, of course. It's hard for Peter to feel love for Fudge when he's turning his life upside down, but the love comes through when he sees Fudge hurt or sick or missing.

Quote #8

My father doesn't care about keeping things neat. He never examines me to see if I'm clean. And he lets me stay up late at night.

On Friday morning all four of us rode down in the elevator to say good-bye to my mother. (8.11-12)

Peter's dad expresses his love a little differently from his mom. He's not as protective, and it sounds like he's the "fun" parent.

Quote #9

"Here, Fudge," I called, starting down my aisle. I sounded like I was calling a dog. "Come on out, Fudge."

When I got down to the first row and called, "Here, Fudge," he popped out at me. (9.45-46)

Peter talks about how much he hates Fudge, and how he'd like to trade him in for a puppy. But when Fudge actually goes missing, Peter's the first one to scour the movie theater and search for his brother.