Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"You see, Peter, your mother and I think you've been a good sport about the whole situation. After all, Dribble was your pet."

I looked up. Could I be hearing right? Did they really remember about me and Dribble? I put my hand inside the box. I felt something warm and soft and furry. I knew it was a dog, but I pretended to be surprised when he jumped up on my lap and licked me. (10.112-113)

With the gift of the puppy he's always wanted, Peter's parents show him how much they care, and how they know that he's been through a tough time lately. Peter's showing some love here, too, by pretending to be surprised to please his parents. This is another cool Judy Blume touch that makes the scene feel all the more authentic.