Tales of the Madman Underground Chapter 25 Summary

A Completely Normal Monday, If You Happen to Be a Madman

  • Bill drops off Karl at school. He's taken the entire day off from work and has a conversation with Karl about going to Port Clinton for bad Chinese food sometime. Karl decides that when his mom inevitably gets rid of Bill, he'll miss him.
  • There's a crowd gathered at the front entrance to the school and everyone gets super quiet when Karl shows up. Looks like the news about him and Marti getting busted naked at the hotel traveled fast.
  • Paul's really mad because Karl allegedly slept with his girlfriend (even though he's not really into girls), and just 48 hours after agreeing to end their fight, they're punching the daylights out of each other in front of the school.
  • Now everyone is going to be talking about how the gay guy beat up the psycho. It just keeps getting worse.
  • In his locker, Karl finds Gratz's ticket to get him out of therapy. He takes it out of his locker and brings it to Gratz's class, where he puts it down on the desk in front of him.
  • Karl tells him that he doesn't know if he's on drugs or what, but he can't stop thinking that Huckleberry Finn is about two gay guys on a raft. Gratz promptly puts the letter in the trash and tells him to get to therapy.
  • Karl walks into therapy and announces that he just disrupted Gratz's class and is now back in the group. Immediately, he and Paul make up and apologize for punching each other out.
  • Meanwhile, the girls are concerned about how Marti is going to be viewed by the whole school post-hotel incident. Squid and Danny, though, are celebrating the fact that the fight with Karl did a lot for Paul's image.
  • Darla is also blaming Karl for the whole thing about Marti's inevitable harassment at school. Probably because she's bitter about the cat killing sex not panning out.
  • At that moment, their new therapist, Leslie Schwinn, walks through the door. She looks like a sorority girl and obviously has no clue what she's getting into—and then she commits therapy suicide by actually admitting this to the group out loud.
  • Dr. Leslie starts talking about spending the day "building the group." Um, they're not exactly strangers and apparently nobody told her this.
  • The group grabs control of the conversation and starts talking to each other—Darla and Marti even realize both their parents are rich and that they both hate Karl and decide to be BFFs like forever.
  • The room kind of explodes as the Madmen take over the session and share their individual problems with the doc. When it's Karl's turn, he brings the Marti situation to the group's attention.
  • Marti admits that while nothing happened, she wanted something to happen because Karl was a gentleman and made her feel beautiful.
  • Together, they decide that the other girls will have Marti's back and stop the gossip in its tracks, while Paul and Karl will make a big deal out of being friends again so everyone can see that nothing really did happen and Marti and Paul will try to salvage their relationship. Whew.
  • Ultimately, Danny reminds everyone that this is high school and within a day or two, everyone will have moved onto the next piece of hot gossip.
  • After therapy, Darla grabs Karl by the shirt, holds up Mr. Babbitt, and demands that he tell her whether what Marti said about him was true. He says it is. She then rants about possibly wanting to still go out with Karl and kisses him in the hall.
  • Danny makes a comment about the female praying mantis eating the male's head before sex. Looks like everything's back where it's supposed to be.