How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Why couldn't I tell my own parents about Erik? What was wrong with me? What was wrong with all of us? (3.2.2)
Sorry, buddy: there's a lot wrong with you, and the fact that you can't tell your parents that you know Erik's a psychopath is only one part of it. The good news is, you'll be doing a lot better by the end of the novel.
Quote #8
There's no big mystery here. The truth about Luis is obvious to all of the people around him. Their lives are not made up of bits and pieces and versions of the truth. They don't live that way. They know what really happened. Period. Why would that seem so mysterious to me? (3.7.17)
If you grow up with certain things, you tend to think they're normal. Like if you grow up with sea monkeys as parents, then you don't understand why people don't like having little underwater fishy treats thrown at them.