How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"Paul, I'm talking as someone who never, ever lived in a nice house growing up. Or even anywhere near a nice house" (1.8.13)
Mrs. Fisher is trying to compensate for a poor childhood, but she's not doing a great job of it. (She'd probably be better off actually paying attention to how her sons feel.) Why do you think other people live in Lake Windsor Downs?
Quote #5
"You seem to want to make this a rich-versus-poor or a have-versus-have-not issue, right? But a bolt of lightning is not aware of a kids' parents' income when it hits him" (1.12.20)
True. Unless the reason it hits the kid is because it's attracted to all the coins in his pocket. Seriously, though, do you really think Mrs. Fisher cares about the poor kids?
Quote #6
The citrus packers walked from those lime green cement-block houses into that packing plant—that huge and magnificent structure. (1.15.25)
So it's old and maybe a little tacky-looking. So what? It was built to last. And notice that no natural disaster has knocked it down, in all the years it's been there. Now that's what we're looking for in a house.