Tar Baby Ambition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Make it in New York. Make it in New York. I'm tired of hearing that s***. What the f*** is it? If I make it in New York, then that's all I do. 'Make it in New York.' That's not life; that's making it." (9.265)

Son is sick and tired of hearing Jade tell him he's a coward for not wanting to live in New York. Son feels like he's got nothing to prove. He doesn't care one iota about "making" it in New York. What's the point of struggling his entire life just to eke out a living in New York when he could be comfortable in Eloe? According to Jade, doing anything less would just make him a quitter. But Son is sick of Jade's unwillingness to see the world from any point of view but her own.

Quote #8

"You think I won't do all that company s*** because I don't know how? I can do anything! Anything! But I'll be goddamn if I'll do that!" (9.288)

Son gets really defensive when Jade tells him he's scared of failure. For Son, it's not a question of whether he fears failure. He says that he can do anything, but simply doesn't want to live his life working for some lame corporation like the average white guy. He wants his independence. He's not interested in playing by anyone else's rules.

Quote #9

"That is the only revenge; for us to get over. Way over. But no, you want to talk about white babies; you don't know how to forget the past and do better." (9.305)

Son always talks about not wanting to do what white people tell him, but for Jade, the only way for the black community to truly get revenge over white people is to succeed more than they do. According to her, there's nothing to be gained by folding one's arms and refusing to play the "white man's game" of higher education and monetary success.