The Terminator Deception Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Terminator.

Quote #4

MOM: But I need to know where to reach you. You tell me to hide out at the cabin and you won't tell me what's going on? I am worried sick here.

SARAH: Okay. Okay, here's the number. You ready?

MOM: Yes. Go ahead.

SARAH: It's 408-555-1439. Room nine. Got it?

MOM: I've got it.

SARAH: I gotta go. I'm sorry. I can't tell you more right now. I love you, mom.

MOM [revealed to be the Terminator]: I love you, too, sweetheart.

The Terminator's deception becomes even more, um…deceptive. In addition to looking like a human, the cyborg has the ability to take on the voices of others and pretend to be them. Of course, we've seen this technology before in Ginger and Sarah's answering machine earlier in the film. That means the machines are already among us… (Also, why does Sarah have a phone number with a Silicon Valley area code?)

Quote #5

REESE: Pain can be controlled. You just disconnect it.

SARAH: So you feel nothing?

REESE: John Connor gave me a picture of you once. I didn't know why at the time. It was very old…torn, faded. You were young like you are now. You seemed just a little sad. I used to always wonder what you were thinking at that moment. I memorized every line…every curve. I came across time for you, Sarah. I love you. I always have.

Reese isn't above a little deception himself. He hides that his real reason for going back in time is that he loves Sarah. Of course, it would be difficult for him to convince John to send him back in time because he has the hots for John's mom…

Quote #6

SARAH: We did it, Kyle. We got 'em.

The Terminator rises from the fires of the destroyed tanker truck. Its flesh has been burned away, revealing a chassis shaped like a human skeleton.

The Terminator's deception has been completely revealed as its endoskeleton rises from the fire. It no longer shows any semblance of its fake humanity; instead, it is a terrifying, horrifying inhuman monster of a machine. Um…could we have the deception back please? It was much pleasanter to look at…