The Terminator Resources
IMDB is the source for all things movies, and The Terminator is a movie. Voilà.
Wow, the folks at this website sure do love themselves some James Cameron.
Biography gives us the lowdown on James Cameron's career, starting with his work on Roger Corman flicks and moving on to the global successes that were Titanic and Avatar.
A Terminator fan wiki that contains information on everything from the films to the quarter-munching awesomeness of T2: The Arcade Game.
Book or TV Adaptation
Yep, there was a novel adaptation of The Terminator. Written by Randall Frakes and Bill Wisher, it expands on several key questions. For example, where did the Terminator get that leather jacket?
As you can imagine, this is going to get weird, because comics get weird. How weird? Terminators will fight Superman before this is over.
But not the one they got to keep. The Sarah Connor Chronicles was well-loved by its fan base, but Fox cancelled the show after just two seasons.
Articles and Interviews
AMC gives The Terminator some love by including the film in its "The Greatest Films" line-up.
It's not just AMC. Everyone loves The Terminator today, but how did this low-budget film fare back in the day? If the Hollywood Reporter's 1984 review is any indication, not too shabby.
In case you need more proof, the New York Daily News also gave the film a great review.
To balance those old reviews, here's Guardian's 30th-anniversary review. You know, to see if things still hold up.
This essay by Amanda Fernbach discusses masculinity in science fiction and of course considers The Terminator.
Even if you know all the things on this Mental Floss list, just remember how much fun it is to know things.
Ryan Lambie discusses his favorite shot from The Terminator. Hint: it's not the one you think—well, unless you're thinking of the death of the first Sarah Connor.
This classic Terminator trailer is narrated by Peter Cullen, the voice of Optimus Prime himself.
Cameron and Schwarzenegger discuss what it was like making The Terminator.
Siskel and Ebert discuss The Terminator on their show, At the Movies. Their opinion on the matter is, um, split.
IGN blasts through 30 years of Terminator history in 5 minutes. Buckle up.
CinemaSins lists all the things wrong with The Terminator. It doesn't have a sin count to match Justin Bieber: Never Say Never, but there are some glaring flaws, nonetheless.
It really needs to be. Now.
Here you can find the original soundtrack to The Terminator. In case you like your soundtracks with more than a hint of synth.
And here you can find the definitive edition of the soundtrack.
The Terminator shows a complete lack of trigger discipline in the official movie poster. Then again, it's not like he cares if he shoots himself in the leg.
Reese and Sarah spend a romantic evening in a hotel room making homemade TNT.
Reese goes to town on the Terminator in this scene set in the Tech Noir night club.
In this scene, Arnold speaks the three little words that will make the rest of his career.
James Cameron and the T-800 endoskeleton pose for a red-carpet photo op.