The Terminator Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Terminator.

Quote #7

SARAH [speaking into a tape recorder]: Should I tell you about your father? Boy, that's a tough one. Will it affect your decision to send him here, knowing that he is your father? If you don't send Kyle, you can never be. God, a person could go crazy thinking about this. I suppose I will tell you. I owe him that. Maybe it'll help if…you know that in the few hours that we had together…we loved a lifetime's worth.

Sure, there's the ever-looming threat of death hanging over everyone, but the film does offer a slice of hope. That hope comes from living one's life in the pursuit of something meaningful. Reese wanted to love and protect Sarah, and he did so. Sarah aims to honor his memory by preparing her son to battle the machines in the future. By their powers combined, humanity will ultimately be saved.