The Terminator Technology and Modernization Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Terminator.

Quote #4

REESE: Hunter-Killers. Patrol machines built in automated factories. Most of us were rounded up, put in camps for orderly disposal. [He shows her a barcode scarred into his arm.] This was burned in by laser scanner. Some of us were kept alive. To work. Loading bodies. The disposal units ran night and day. We were that close to going out forever.

The technophobia is on overdrive in this lesson of future history. It isn't just a mistrust of machines on display here, though, since these machines have designed methods with the sole purpose of killing people. What strikes us as odd is that they would keep some people alive to work rather than create machines to do the job for them. Guess the machines have a sense of irony. Or they're just rubbing it in.

Quote #5

SARAH: I was dreaming about dogs.

REESE: We use them to spot Terminators.

SARAH: Your world is pretty terrifying.

Humans domesticated dogs thousands of years ago to help us survive the wilderness of the natural world. To battle the machines, humans have returned to their older, pre-technological ways. Had they thought ahead, of course, they could have simply challenged the machines to a game of Go. That would have solved the problem.

Quote #6

REESE: Wait.

[He turns on the machines in the factory.]

SARAH: What are you doing?

REESE: Cover. So he can't track us.

Sarah and Reese are only able to destroy the Terminator thanks to the technology they have at hand. In this scene, the factory machines provide cover so that the Terminator cannot easily track them. In this way, the film may provide a distinction between good and bad technology. Unlike Terminators and our ground units in StarCraft,the good tech does what it's told.