How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
The Uzi, with far more killing power, was almost gentle: there was thrilling disconnect between the pain you experienced and the damage you caused. (6.21)
We aren't done with our gun shop metaphors just yet, folks. Here, the Uzi directly represents the subprime market: both "disconnect" a person from the "damage" they are able to cause with small actions. With one, you pull the trigger; with the other, you sell a bunch of fake money to another company. Tomato, tomahto.
Quote #8
A friend of Danny's returned from a night on the town to report he'd met a stripper with five separate home equity loans. (6.35)
Here's another small glimpse into how this financial mumbo-jumbo affects regular people. Although this bit is played for chuckles, it shows how bad things have become for the people on the other end of these cruddy subprime loans.
Quote #9
"I said to my mother, 'I think we might be facing something like the end of democratic capitalism," said Charlie. (7.1)
The ramifications of the subprime crisis aren't merely economic; they're political. If you want evidence of this, just consider the fact that the government literally intervenes to rectify the situation. That's no coincidence, people.