The Book of the City of Ladies Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Give thanks to God who has led me to undertake this great labor and the desirable task of establishing for you honorable lodging within city walls as a perpetual residence for as long as the world endures. (2.69.1)

Once she finishes building the City of Ladies, Christine de Pizan thanks God for giving her the strength to finish the construction and to create a place where all the great women of history can live forever.

Quote #8

[You] will find little said against them [women] in the holy legends of Jesus Christ and His Apostles. (3.18.1)

Men like to talk a lot of smack about women, but guess where you won't find this kind of talk? In the stories of Jesus Christ, that's where.

Quote #9

So, my ladies, be humble and patient, and God's grace will grow in you, and praise will be given to you as well as the Kingdom of Heaven. (3.19.3)

At the end of her book, de Pizan advises her female readers to be humble and obedient to their husbands. It might make for a pretty lame life, but de Pizan is certain that these good women will get a reward once they die and go to heaven. That's kind of leaving a lot to chance, though.