How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Breakfast Club.
Quote #4
EVERYONE: C'mon, answer the question. Come on. Answer it.
BENDER: C'mon, it's easy. It's only one question.
CLAIRE: No, I Never did it!
ALLISON: I never did it either. I'm not a nymphomaniac, I'm a compulsive liar.
This is the moment when Claire—like Brian, earlier—admits that she's never had sex. Then, Allison admits it too, despite having just said the reverse. Allison's Weird Girl powers grant her the magical ability to ferret truths out of people. Here, she helps break down the distance between herself, Claire, and Brian; they share something in common. It helps shatter Claire's mystique, too.
Quote #5
ALLISON: When you grow up, your heart dies.
BENDER: Who cares?
ALLISON: I care...
Why does Allison think that adults have dead hearts? Presumably, it's because they don't feel passionately about things once they're older. They've been numbed by their everyday lives. This is appealing to the teenagers in the movie, but numerous real-life adults would probably object to the notion that their hearts are dead.
Quote #6
BRIAN: [...] But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain...
ANDREW (VO): ...and an athlete...
ALLISON (VO): ...and a basket case...
CLAIRE (VO): ...a princess...
BENDER (VO): ...and a criminal...
BRIAN (VO): Does that answer your question? Sincerely yours, the Breakfast Club.
This is the big revelation they all receive at the end of the movie. The five students discover common ground between each other, and realize their experiences aren't actually so far apart. There are lots of points of contact between them: They experience pressures to conform, have issues with their parents, etc. It allows four of them to connect romantically, and allows Brian to—you know—write everyone else's essay for them.