The Circle Greed Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #1


This brainchild from Eamon Bailey meets with warm approval when he announces it to the 10,000 Circle employees who work at the company's main campus in San Vincenzo. Like him, all of them feel entitled to lay claim to whatever knowledge is—or could possibly be made to be—within their reach.

Quote #2

"We will become all-seeing, all-knowing." (1.8.87)

So says Eamon Bailey, who has no doubt that the Circle's technologies will eventually be able to satisfy every iota of curiosity that any human being could ever have.

Quote #3

Marion helped her pull the kayak across the sand and rocks and into the tiny waves. She clicked on Mae's life preserver. "And remember, don't bother any of the houseboat people. Their living rooms are at your eye level, so no snooping." (1.10.8)

Throughout The Circle, Dave Eggers spends a lot of time exploring the relationship between curiosity and greed. At base, the novel asks us to consider this question: if the only way to satisfy our curiosity is by taking something away from someone else (things like privacy, dignity, or the right to choose seclusion), aren't we robbing that person to satisfy our own greed?