How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Mr. Lema was sitting at his desk correcting papers. When I entered he looked up at me and smiled. I felt better. I walked up to him and asked if he could help me with the new words. "Gladly," he said.
The rest of the month I spent my lunch hours working on English with Mr. Lema, my best friend at school. (9.29-30)
Remember all those times Francisco didn't know English so the teachers just ignored him? Well not Mr. Lema. He's ready to sit down with Francisco and hash out this whole learning English thing. How do you think Mr. L's cool attitude impacts Francisco's feelings about school? It sounds to us like Francisco really wants to be there now. Good one, Mr. L.
Quote #8
I was in a bad mood. It was the last day of seventh grade before summer vacation. I had known the day was coming, but I had tried not to think about it because it made me sad. […]
In the school bus on the way home, I took out my note pad and pencil from my shirt pocket and began figuring out how much time there was before I would start school again—from the middle of June until the first week of November, about four and a half months. Ten weeks picking strawberries in Santa Maria and another eight weeks harvesting grapes and cotton in Fresno. (10.1-2)
School has become something Francisco really likes, which is a big change. But the work versus school conflict is still there. When school ends and it's time for summer work, and Francisco knows he's got a long wait ahead until he can get back in the classroom. What do you think has changed for Francisco? How is his attitude toward learning different now versus earlier in the book?
Quote #9
The closer we got to Santa Maria, the more excited I became because I knew where we were going to live for the next several months. I especially looked forward to seeing some of my classmates in the eighth grade at El Camino Junior High. I had not seen them since last June when school ended. I wonder if they'll remember me? I thought to myself. (12.29)
Francisco is going to be starting eighth grade in his old school in Santa Maria and he is as stoked as can be. He's looking forward to seeing his old pals again, though he also sounds a little nervous too. Will they remember him? It's hard always being the new kid.