How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #10
After supper, I sat at the table to do my homework. I was so excited about Roberto's new job that it was difficult to focus. But I was determined to memorize the lines from the Declaration of Independence and recite them perfectly, without forgetting a single word. I took the text and broke it down, line by line. I looked up in the dictionary the words I did not know: self-evident, endowed, inalienable, and pursuit. I added them to the list of English words I kept in my new, black pocket not pad. I had gotten in the habit of writing down a different English word and its definition every day and memorizing it. After I looked up the meaning of the words, I wrote the entire text in my note pad in tiny letters: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal." I went over the first line many times until I memorized it. My plan was to memorize at least one line a day so that I could recite it on Friday of the following week. (12.79)
Francisco is seriously the hardest worker. Like, ever. Just take a look at his step-by-step plan—he's got every little bit worked out, from breaking down the lines to looking up the words to memorizing the passage from the Declaration of Independence. And since he goes through each step in detail, he lets us in on his secrets for how he gets all his work done. Plus, he's got a pretty confident tone here, like he knows what to do without questioning himself.