How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #10
After traveling for about five hours, we arrived at our new home in Orosi. It was an old, two-story, yellow wooden house. It was located about fifteen miles outside the city limits. Mr. Patrini, the owner, told us that the house was seventy years old. We could not use the second level because the floors were unstable. The first floor had two rooms and a kitchen. Behind the house was a large barn and hundreds of vineyards. […]
After our prayers, we slipped into bed. I had trouble falling asleep. I can't believe we are living in a house, I thought to myself. (11.36, 42)
For Francisco's family, poverty doesn't mean being without shelter—throughout the book they find shelter one way or another. Sometimes it's a tent and sometimes it's a leaky shack, but most of the time they find some sort of roof over their heads. This is the first house they get to live in though, which makes this place extra special.