Find quotes from this novel, with commentary from Shmoop. Pick a theme below to begin.
Exploration Quotes
"So I decided to see for myself," [Twoflower] was saying. "Eight years' saving up, this has cost me. But worth every half-rhinu. I mean, here I am. In Ankh-Morpork. Famed in song and story, I mean....
Society and Class Quotes
"No-oo. But magic of a kind, I think. Not the usual sort. I mean, [sound-as-of-underground-spirits] can turn gold into copper while at the same time it is still gold, it makes men rich by destroyin...
Dissatisfaction Quotes
In any case, there were other lands and [Rincewind] had a facility for languages. Let him but get to Chimera or Gonim or Ecalpon and half a dozen armies couldn't bring him back. And then—wealth,...
Perseverance Quotes
The dark interior of the Drum was a broil of fighting men, quite a number of them—a third and longer glance confirmed—in bits. Rincewind swayed back as a wildly thrown stool sailed past and sma...
The Supernatural Quotes
"It's a device for making pictures quickly," said Twoflower. "Quite a new invention. I'm rather proud of it but, look, I don't think these gentlemen would—well, I mean they might be—sort of app...
Power Quotes
"And if every man on the shores of the Circle Sea had a mountain of gold of his own? Would that be a good thing? What would happen? Think carefully." Rincewind's brow furrowed. He thought. "We'd al...
Awe and Amazement Quotes
"Stranger," said Rincewind levelly. "If you stay here you will be knifed or poisoned by nightfall. But don't stop smiling, or so will I." "Oh, come now," said [Twoflower], looking around. "This loo...
Language and Communication Quotes
[The coin] was in fact slightly larger than an 8,000-dollar Ankhian crown and the design on it was unfamiliar, but it spoke inside Hugh's mind in a language he understood perfectly. My current owne...