The Da Vinci Code Theme of Power

As Lord Acton says, "Absolute power corrupts absolutely."

And message is pretty applicable to our tale. The Da Vinci Code spends a lot of time discussing the Church's quest for power – both in the past and by sects in the present day – and how that need for power ended up corrupting Jesus's message and our understanding of religion. And, according to the wise G.I. Joe, knowledge is power.

Questions About Power

  1. According to Langdon and Teabing's brief and biased presentation on the history of the Catholic Church, what was the most important part of securing their power?
  2. Bishop Aringarosa is practically obsessed with the power that the Teacher has promised him. What is that power, and how does he plan to wield it?
  3. Does the Teacher actually hold all the power by manipulating others? Does that serve him well?
  4. At this point, would revealing the truth behind the Holy Grail really affect the power of the Church?