The Da Vinci Code Characters

Meet the Cast

Robert Langdon

International Man of Mystery (And Kind of a Know-It-All)And we mean "know-it-all" both in the sense that this guy is a total showoff, and that he actually seems to know it all. All of it. Seriously...

Sophie Neveu

Crack Analyst (Clarification: She's Good at Cryptology. Not Analyzing Crack. Crack is Whack.)Thanks to her unorthodox upbringing by the eccentric Jacques Sauniére, Sophie Neveu is a master cryptog...

Sir Leigh Teabing/The Teacher

Plucky Comic ReliefIf you've seen the movie adaptation of The Da Vinci Code, you might have a hard time reconciling the physical differences between the incomparable Ian McKellan and the character...

Lieutenant Jérome Collet

Lt. Collet of the DCPJ is just about the most perfect second-in-command ever. (Emphasis on the "just about" part.)Even though he doesn't always see eye to eye with his superior (the legendary Bezu...

Captain Bezu Fache

You Mess With The Bull, You Get The HornsAs the captain of Direction Centrale Police Judiciaire (basically the French FBI), Bezu Fache has a reputation for being stubborn, aggressive, and a tad hot...

Rémy Legaludec

Mr. Peanut (Allergy)Rémy's Teabing's bitter Lyonais manservant. Why's he bitter, you ask? Well, we think he was never really cut out for service.Although to outsiders he seems like the devoted but...

Jacques Saunière

Best. Grandpa. Ever.Even though he's killed off before the book even begins, Jacques Saunière is the guy who made the whole journey possible. As the Grand Master of the Priory of Sion he was entru...


Before a young Bishop Aringarosa saved this delusional albino monk, Silas had lived a pretty terrible life…a life that's even worse than being delusional.He murdered his drunken father in his sle...

André Vernet

Vernet's the president of the Paris Branch of the Depository Bank of Zurich. Although he is largely driven by an innate sense of pride, loyalty, and propriety, the finer things in life do tempt him...

Minor Characters

Altar BoyAt the Temple Church in London, the dubious altar boy is convinced to let the fictitious "Sir Christopher Wren III" in to scatter his ancestor's ashes. He's also the one who importantly in...