The Da Vinci Code Theme of Women and Femininity

Feminism, and the idea that patriarchal society arose from a conspiracy starting with the Emperor Constantine, is one of the major themes that permeates Dan Brown's controversial bestseller. (Heck yes, Dan Brown.)

The quest for the Holy Grail becomes the pursuit of the sacred feminine—or the goddess—and all at the cost of questioning the influence of powerful men in our history. Regardless of controversy about Dan Brown's strategic interpretations of historical documents and biblical passages, one thing remains true: he's a firm believer in the main tenets of feminism, and wants people to rethink gender roles in our society.

Questions About Women and Femininity

  1. What's the basic premise behind Brown's Holy Grail theory?
  2. What texts do Teabing and Langdon use as "proof" for their Holy Grail lecture to Sophie?
  3. Is it important to the story that Sophie is a woman?
  4. How does Opus Dei fit into Brown's criticism of the modern Church and their take on women?