How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
"Dreams shouldn't be shared," Hans told Einar one day when teaching him to climb the ancient oak that grew on the edge of the bog. (3.12)
Hans isn't trying to discourage his friend here; he's trying to warn him that if he talks about his dreams, other people will try to discourage him. Einar is lucky to have people like Hans and Greta in his life. When he wants to become Lili, neither person ever discourages him, not even once.
Quote #2
"Please get her." Greta wouldn't look at him, her voice quieter than usual. (9.15)
Greta has a quiet determination, and Hans knows that when she uses this voice, she is going to get what she wants.
Quote #3
If she'd ever promised herself anything, it was that she'd never let her husband simply slip away. (12.14)
Greta doesn't want to repeat past mistakes. She feels like she failed her first husband by not forcing him to go the doctor, so she doubles down on Einar, finding him a doctor who can help him.