The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

She eats lettuce at every meal and spends half her life at the gym. I don't know what she's worried about because she's totally thin. Maybe it's Dad. He's the first to admit that he likes women skinny. (3.22)

Virginia's mom has been fighting her own body war since before Virginia was born, but she doesn't realize that pushing Virginia to lose weight is starting her down that same miserable path. Oh, hi, denial—here's a tasty plate of lettuce for you.

Quote #5

I'd visualize myself partying up at Columbia. See how sexy I look in a bra and thong and hip-hugger jeans! How much will you charge ME to get into Virgins and Sluts? (9.7)

We're guessing the entry fee would be even lower if she skipped the jeans, which, ew. Virgins and Sluts is pretty much the worst party ever.

Quote #6

The girls all had to strip down and stand in a line. Then the sorority president went down the row with a big black marker. As she stopped at each girl, she circled onto her skin wherever she needed to lose weight or tone up. (9.99)

When women start treating each other like this, it's because they're internalizing male objectification. Handy tip: girls who refuse to internalize other people's opinions have more fun.