The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Paul the School Nurse is my secret weapon at Brewster. He's monumentally trying to overcompensate for his male-nurse status. Utter a syllable about cramps or PMS and he's bemoaning the woes of womanhood, feeling your menstrual pain. (10.3)

and the sensitive men often feel compelled to overcompensate for the objectifying ones.

Quote #8

"I've paid my motherly dues," she'd said as soon as they returned from dropping my sister off at Dartmouth. Then Mom slapped a pile of takeout menus onto the kitchen counter. "We'll let the delivery guy pick up the slack." (17.35)

Mothers aren't the only ones who can cook. Dads can refuse to let the delivery guy pick up the slack, and they don't even have to put on an apron.

Quote #9

"When women first started getting their ears pierced, everyone thought that was barbaric," I say. "But now it's as normal as necklaces. I think it's the same with facial piercings. It'll just take time to get used to them." (23.51)

Societal acceptance of body modification happens in increments, just like societal acceptance of women showing their bodies in the first place. The rebel girls are the ones who move the acceptance along.