The Female Man Resources

Want to do a little background reading on Joanna Russ? Her entry in the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction is a great place to start.

For a comprehensive bibliography of Joanna Russ's works, look no further than the ISFD.

In 2013, Joanna Russ was inducted into the EMP Museum's Hall of Fame—yet another sign of her total awesomeness.

A short testament to Joanna Russ's life and legacy, posted after her death on April 29, 2011.

Check out this warm testament to Joanna Russ's life and literary legacy.

In which Joanna Russ chats about science fiction, feminism, and how much she loves Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Here's a podcast hosted by three women with a lot of smart things to say about science fiction. In this episode, they commemorate Joanna Russ's legacy by discussing three of her most well-known texts: The Female Man, "When It Changed," and How to Suppress Women's Writing. (Warning: Podcast contains some inappropriate language—but not much.)

Here's the woman herself.

Is it Joanna Russ, or Joanna the character?

'Cause who doesn't love a field full of red pumps and martinis?

Check out the novel's raciest cover.

Hmm, there seems to be some symbolism happening here.

Probability travel, or ladies' Ouija night?