How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
It's Friday, so I don't have to feel guilty about drinking on the train. TGIF. The fun starts here. (1.7)
Rachel eases us into her drinking problem early. Sure, it's a little odd that she's drinking on the train, but she makes it seem like other people do it. (If other people do it, it must be okay, right? Right?) We don't know yet that Friday means nothing to her. She's unemployed, so this excuse that it's Friday doesn't wash.
Quote #2
It's less acceptable to drink on the train on a Monday, unless you're drinking with company, which I am not. (1.16)
Rachel seems to look for little excuses to make her drinking more acceptable. But she doesn't stop drinking when she can't find an excuse…
Quote #3
Some days I feel so bad that I have to drink; some days I feel so bad that I can't. (1.44)
Usually the days Rachel feels so bad she can't drink are the days she feels bad about drinking. If she's feeling bad about something else, she drinks, even if most of her problems are a result of her drinking at their core.