How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Then [Cathy] told me that she was going to spend the weekend at Damien's, and the first thing I thought was that I'm going to get home tonight and have a drink without anyone judging me. (9.14)
In order for Rachel to stop drinking, she needs to start judging herself and not waiting for other people to do it for her.
Quote #8
I would dearly love to have a drink, but I can't. I need to keep a clear head. For Megan. For Scott. (11.1)
This is a temporary solution. Rachel won't stop drinking for good until she realizes she needs to keep a clear head for herself.
Quote #9
I pour [the wine] into a mug (just in case Cathy comes down—I can pretend it's tea) and put the bottle in the bin (making sure to conceal it under a milk carton and a crisp packet). (15.148)
Rachel's alcoholism causes her to deceive Cathy, hurting their friendship and the environment. Look at her—she just put that bottle in the trash instead of the recycling bin. We are all paying for Rachel's bad habits.