How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
She heard a man nearby, breathing. She knew his name and who he was. He was her master, her entire purpose; she was his golem, bound to his will. (1.68)
The Golem isn't just twelve years a slave, she's going to be a lifetime a slave. The difference is that, since she was made that way, she doesn't seem to mind it. In fact, she prefers it.
Quote #2
For three days the rains came and went, three days of infuriating confinement. (2.94)
Being made of fire, the Jinni can be stifled by dreary weather. It's like an extreme, mystical version of Seasonal Affective Disorder.
Quote #3
Arbeely's "palace" was a tiny, dim room barely large enough for a bed, a miniature armoire, and a half-moon table pushed up against a dingy sink. (3.85)
The Jinni comes from a real palace, a large one in the desert. This whole a man's home is his castle thing doesn't quite sit right when your actual home is a castle.