How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
[The Jinni] was a creature of the desert, and never in his life had he come so close to this much water. (2.41)
While many people would love to make their home on some waterfront property, the Jinni is not many people. The water makes him homesick for the dry desert.
Quote #2
If he must be marooned in an unknown land, surrounded by a deadly ocean, and constrained to one weak and imperfect form, at least he'd ended up somewhere worth exploring. (2.72)
Many times home is what you make of it. Even though the Jinni doesn't want to be in New York City, that's where he is, so he decides to make the best of it.
Quote #3
And now, the Jinni reflected, she was in a new place, on unsure footing, surrounded by strangers. Like himself, in a way. (7.24)
The Jinni is at a wedding, looking at a new bride, who is an immigrant. He has a lot in common with the new immigrants to the city—they are both in foreign surroundings, and they both need to find a way to make this feel like home.