How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
Without thinking, [The Rabbi had] given the Golem the worst life possible: that of idleness. (4.7)
Some people would love just living a life of nothingness (or the next best thing: playing Minecraft day in and day out), but for the Golem, a creature made to work, she wants to be busy all the time.
Quote #2
Were all books like this? (4.21)
The books the Rabbi gives the Golem aren't exactly Gone Girl or The Golem and the Jinni—in other words, page turners they are not. That said, we think the Golem might be dissatisfied with any fiction since she likes practical things.
Quote #3
What could possibly induces two free being to partner only with each other for the rest of their existence? (7.6)
The Jinni is a free spirit. Well, he was, quite literally, before being confined to human form and stuck in a bottle. As a former philanderer, he doesn't understand why anyone would want to be tied down. That's pretty much like being put inside a bottle inside another bottle.