How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Goonies.
Quote #1
BRAND: Shut up, Mouth.
MIKEY: Shut up, Mouth.
MOUTH: Shut up, Data.
Ah…friends will be friends, eh?
If you ever tell someone who's not your friend to "shut up," you may very well be crusin' for a bruisin'. But with a true friend, you can tell them exactly what's on your mind, even if that means poking fun at them or telling them off completely. This exchange makes it clear that these three, while antagonistic toward one another at times, are completely comfortable with one another. Either that, or they're trying to start a brawl.
Quote #2
CHUNK: Mikey, Mikey, this ain't the kind of place you wanna go to the bathroom in it.
An important aspect of friendship is the notion that you look out for one another. You can't just be a "yes man," agreeing with everything the other person says and going along with their every bad idea. Sometimes you have to challenge them because you think that what they want to do isn't exactly in their best interest.
Advising them not to descend into the depths of a dark, foreboding restaurant while being supervised by a trio of escaped convicts is an excellent example.
Quote #3
BRAND: My God, it's working. It's working, you guys. Way to go, Andy. Way to go!
Yet another important element of friendship—encouragement. Yes, hopefully your friends get plenty of encouragement from their teachers and parents as well, but it's also your duty as a friend to build them up and stroke their fragile egos every once in a while…whether or not they may be deserving.
In this instance, Brand may have some ulterior motives for wanting to make Andy feel better about herself…but in the moment, he probably just didn't want to fall through a trap door to certain death. Emotions are complicated.