How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
When I was little my mother used to get a certain look in her eyes and say, "One day you're going to fall in love." I wanted to say, but never said: Not in a million years. (2.46)
Alma and her mother have taken away very different lessons from Alma's father. Alma's mother holds dear the memory of their falling in love and their time together. Alma, though, can only see how his death has destroyed her mother.
Quote #5
She learned back and looked at him with something like hurt, and then he almost but didn't say the two sentences he'd been meaning to say for years: Part of me is made of glass, and also, I love you. (2.71)
Falling in love means exposing our fragile selves to someone else, and having to trust them to not break our hearts (and assorted other breakable body parts).