The Hundred-Foot Journey Themes

The Hundred-Foot Journey Themes


Food is the heart and soul of The Hundred-Foot Journey, and the thing that pulls Hassan back and forth across cultural lines. His family uses food to bring their Indian culture to the little French...

Contrasting Regions: West vs. East

Born in India and from an Indian family, Hassan finds himself navigating European culture for much of his adult life in The Hundred-Foot Journey. This straddling of two very different cultures—we...


Family is a huge priority in The Hundred-Foot Journey, and Hassan places himself within the context of his family legacy from the very first page when he introduces his own story with the story of...


Hassan has lots of heroes in The Hundred-Foot Journey. He's the perfect student because he readily looks up to the leading figures in his life: Papa, Mama, Paul Verdun, and even Madame Mallory. And...


In The Hundred-Foot Journey, Hassan's profession faces a good amount of change. Cultural shifts aside (more on that elsewhere in this section), he's brought into this super traditional legacy of Fr...


The idea of some people being better than others is an issue that rears its ugly face from time to time throughout The Hundred-Foot Journey. Sometimes prejudice is based on who has more money, but...


Hassan is constantly caught in the crossfire of those willing to do anything to get ahead, whether it's Papa and Mallory's competitive fighting that lands him in a burning stove or, later on in lif...

Coming of Age

Learning is the essence of life in The Hundred-Foot Journey. One of Hassan's main traits is that he's open to the world around him, and he takes each experience as an opportunity to better understa...