The Hundred-Foot Journey Resources


The Author's Website

Richard C. Morais has his own website with lots of info about the book. And other books he's written. Just sayin'.

If You Have A Hankering for Indian Food…

Inspired by the tantalizing descriptions of Indian food? This website's got a wealth of Indian dishes for you to try on your own.

… Or French? Or Both?

Here's another website where you can select a cuisine and find tons of recipes, so you can eat your curry and eat your bouillabaisse, too.

Movie or TV Productions

Larger than Life Food

The Hundred-Foot Journey gets the big screen treatment. We're thinking extra popcorn might be in order for this one.

Articles and Interviews

Diary of a Book Tour Through India

From his own website, check out Richard C. Morais's description of travelling to India on a book tour for The Hundred-Foot Journey.

Finding Home: An Interview with Richard C. Morais

Richard C. Morais talks about the book and inspiration for the characters, food, and writing.

Meet the Cast

Manish Dayal plays Hassan Haji and Helen Mirren plays the infamous Madame Mallory in the film adaption of the book. Get the inside scoop here.


Short Intro from the Author

The author reveals the subject of his novel, The Hundred-Foot Journey, complete with cool pictures.

From the Page to the Kitchen

Richard C. Morais visits the kitchen of Chef Floyd Cardoz of New York's Tabla where they prepare a couple of dishes from the book.

Mouthwatering Preview

Check out this trailer for the movie version of the book. It looks like they've taken some liberties with the plot, but man, the food looks good.


Hear It

If you're one to listen to a book on tape, check out this audio sample.


Our Favorite Cover

Click on through to see our personal favorite version of the cover

Another Take

Do you prefer this version?

Variation on a Theme

One more cover for your consideration…