How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
There would be no pairing off this summer […] and though in some ways this was sad, in other way it was such a relief, for now they could return […] and take their places in that perfect, unbroken, lifelong circle. (1.200)
Think about the ways romantic love completely pushes friendship to the side in this book. Are there any times the two enhance each other?
Quote #2
After the tension of the class, Jules welcomed […] the pleasure of sitting across from Ash with no one else around. (4.18)
It seems like a lot of Jules's friendships are based on being the one-and-only. She craves this primo spot in other people's lives.
Quote #3
Jules and Dennis wondered at their own mutual fog of sadness, which was poignantly so much sharper than the affection they'd ever felt for Isadora Topfeldt back when they actually were friends with her. (4.59)
Here it seems like Jules and Dennis are sort of romanticizing Isadora—they didn't like her much in life, but now that she's gone, they're all bummed out. In this, we can see them both liking the idea of friendship more than the actual friendship itself.