How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
Ethan Figman, thick bodied, unusually ugly, his features appearing a little bit flattened, as if pressed against a mime's invisible glass wall, sat with his mouth slack and a record album in his lap. (1.14)
How can someone be unusually ugly? Does that mean there's a usual kind of ugliness?
Quote #2
Goodman was big and blunt and unsettling; Ash was waifish, open-hearted, a beauty with long, straight, pale brown hair and sad eyes. (1.25)
Okay… so Goodman is blunt and unsettling? That's pretty much a blatant tie in to his personality and later actions. Also, this description sounds like a classic Beauty and the Beast kind of dynamic.
Quote #3
As Julie, she's always felt all wrong; she was gangling, and her skin went pink and patchy at the least provocation […] Her deer-colored hair had […] a poodle bigness that mortified her. (1.28)
Check this out: Jules's opinion of her appearance changes dramatically when her name changes. As Julie she's awkward, but as Jules her looks are described as quirky.