How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
After a while, the raw and emotional material just started sounding to her like ordinary revelations. […] She even imagined herself as one of these people, sitting and talking about the long-ago death of her own father […]. They were relieved telling her about their pain. (4.47)
Memories and the past can cause lasting damage if not talked about. It's interesting that Jules seems to recognize the catharsis for her patients, though she doesn't ever really apply this revelation to her own life.
Quote #2
Her father was past tense now; the present could never be held, it did not allow it. (4.138)
How long does it take for something or someone to become past tense? Think about it in the context of the book, but also perhaps in the light of your own life, too.
Quote #3
"It'll be a little like when you see someone who's had a war injury and now it's a million years later, but their foot still drags a little. Except in my case, you have to know about the injury in the first place in order to see it." (5.80)
Jules would like that—Ethan is making the memory of his rejection an exclusive club for people in the know.